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Microsoft visual studio 2013 professional price free download.Buy Visual Studio

My development system failed yesterday and it appears that the back-up media for MS Visual Studio Professional with Update 5 do not work. When I tried to download the product by using the link provided in the original Microsoft Store order confirmation dec , I got a error. I spent this morning an hour and a half on the phone with MS Store Support, but after the 5th forward to another department I quit.
I need this particular release because I use 3rd party products that do not support more recent versions. This irritates me. I know MS likes to push towards the latest and greatest, but keeping older versions alive for developers is essential. We often do not have control over our dev environments. I dug around and I do have the install files for VS I did not install this, but the download did initialize:.
I could not find a direct link either, and I know I had downloaded the update 5 version last year sometime before we moved on to VS Maybe MS has reorganized everything? Thanks Jeremy, but that is the same site as the one where I get the ‘Loading In the last two days I have been on the phone for over 4 hours with 11 MS support people in 3 countries and they could not get me a link like you did A ticket has been opened, but no ETA has been provided.
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Archived Forums. Sign in to vote. It can be a trial version because I have a valid product code. Thanks in advance. Monday, November 6, AM. Tuesday, November 7, PM. Monday, November 6, PM. Tuesday, November 7, AM. Thanks Jeremy. This works perfectly. You made my day! Wednesday, November 8, AM.
Microsoft visual studio 2013 professional price free download
The discount for Visual Studio Professional Upgrade will last until Jan. 31, After that date, the price increases to $ The full. Visual Studio Community edition is available for free. It has exactly the same features except some features which require MSDN subscription or some like. The code coverage tools in Visual Studio Premium ensure that you have tests Price: FREE / Trialware.